Aqua Farms Organization
The project was established to alleviate the current shortage of fish in and around Dares Salaam. Using modern fish breeding technology, the project operates a modern fish hatchery to breed and supply fish fingerlings to fish farmers in Tanzania. Increased fish consumption will enhance the nutritive value of food and in particular the rate of protein intake. ADC assisted them in capacity building, technical support in acquiring a solar equipment to run the hatchery and advisory services.
Project information
- Category Women-Led
- Status Completed
- Location Dar
AA Nafaka Supplies Limited
AA Nafaka Supplies Limited is an Agri-processing company led by Ms. Severina Mwakateba. She operates several cereal processing plants in Dar Es Salaam and Songwe regions. Covid came and impacted her revenues by 60%.
In 2020, she received a Coalition for Farmer-Allied Intermediaries (CFAI) grant of around TSH 100 million to ease the COVID impact. The purpose of the grant is to increase the processing and sale of cereal crops, maintain the workforce, increase working capital through farmer-level investment, facilitate input sourcing and distribution, and ensure safe operations and food production. ADC has been supporting them in capacity building through training on financial management, record keeping, monitoring and evaluation, and provision of advisory services.
Project information
- Category Women-Led
- Status Completed
- Location Dar/Songwe
Academy For Women Entrepreneurship
The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) gives enterprising women the knowledge, networks, and access they need to launch and scale successful businesses. After their training and funding, these women are handed over to ADC Tanzania, where their businesses are developed and nurtured. More than $120,000 has been disbursed to AWE grantees, having businesses ranging from Hair Salon, and Meat Butchers to Tailoring Mats.
Project information
- Category Women-Led
- Status Completed
- Location Zanzibar/Dar Es Salaam/Iringa/Morogoro/Mwanza
Kasole Secrets
Kasole Secrets is a Tanzanian company owned and operated by Hyasintha Ntuyeko. Hyasintha Ntuyeko is a Social Entrepreneur and registered professional Engineer who challenged her status quo some 12 years ago immediately after finishing her studies. She founded Kasole Secrets company ltd, which seeks innovative solutions to Menstrual Health/Hygiene Challenges Kasole Secrets develops and sell disposable Glory sanitary pads embossed with bamboo charcoal, prepares curriculum, consulting, providing Menstrual Health/Hygiene (MHH) education and campaigns which includes boys and men alongside girls/women.
The company was awarded the Builders of Africa Future, totaling $25,000. ADC Tanzania has been providing business development services, monitoring, and evaluation to the project titled “Public Private Partnership for Breaking Silence Around Menstruation”.
Project information
- Category Women-Led
- Status Active
- Location Dar es Salaam